Job Description - Executive Director
The Canadian Caribbean Association of Halton (CCAH) is a registered charity and multi-service organization serving the community at large but focussed on Black, Caribbean and African communities in the Region of Halton. Since 1977 CCAH has been committed to strengthening and enhancing the quality of life of families and individuals, by providing culturally-sensitive programs, services and support.
Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director is responsible for the overall leadership and operations of CCAH in accordance with the mission, goals and policies approved by the Board, and to create strategies that ensure the organization’s current and future success. In addition, the Executive Director is ultimately responsible for the deliverables of the organization’s Board of Directors.
Type of position: Full-Time
Direct reports: Four (4) FTEs, all vendors, seasonal day camp staff and contract staff.
Position reports to: Board of Directors
Salary: $80,000 - $90,000
Major Responsibilities:
The major responsibilities for this position include but are not limited to the following:
Strategic Leadership
- Provide leadership, direction and oversee the operations of the organization and manage its compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
- In collaboration with the Board of Directors, develop strategic plans for the organization
- Create annual operating plans that support the strategic plan and align it with annual operating budgets and staff work plans
- Develop new programs and services in response to changing community needs, ensuring initiatives contribute to the organization’s mission and reflect the strategic priorities
- Develop and monitor strategies for ensuring the long-term sustainability of the organization
Fundraising and Resource Development
- In partnership with the Board, develop annual fund development plans and goals
- Lead and implement fundraising strategies for annual giving, endowment giving, planned giving, events and sponsorships, and explore new funding sources and opportunities through developing proposals and new grant applications
- Oversee the work of fundraising teams in the implementation of fundraising plans
- Lead and manage all donor relationships and fundraising solicitations.
Financial Management and Compliance
- Prudently manage the organization’s resources within budget guidelines according to current laws,
compliances and regulations and ensure timely financial reporting to the Board and funders - Identify and evaluate risks to the organization’s stakeholders (clients, staff, management, volunteers,
etc.), property, finances and reputation and implement measures to control and mitigate risks - Ensure that an annual financial audit is conducted and that all financial records are maintained
according to the procedures in compliance with Canadian Accounting Standards for Not-for-Profit
Organizations and other sector standards as necessary.
Board Support and Leadership
- Serve as an ex-officio member of the organization’s Board of Directors and Board committees
- Inform the Board of key internal and external events and trends that may have an impact on the organization and/or the work of the Board
- Assist and support the Board in orientation, education and self-evaluation
- Work in collaboration with the Board to develop organizational By-laws, policies and procedures
- Plan and organize Annual General Meetings within six months of the end of each financial year.
Community Relations and Capacity Development
- Serve as the primary spokesperson and representative for the organization at-large including media, businesses and community groups
- Assure that the organization and its mission, programs and services are consistently presented in a strong, positive image to relevant stakeholders
- Establish and maintain positive working relationships and collaborative arrangements with community groups, funders, politicians and other organizations to help achieve the goals of the organization
- Initiate and maintain linkages with community partners and serve as a representative of programs/services on relevant local, regional and provincial committees and networks.
Marketing & Communications
- Oversee the development and implementation of an annual marketing and a communications strategy
- Ensure the quality of all communication materials, including the website, electronic and print materials are reviewed and updated regularly
- Work closely with the communications staff to develop and implement public relation initiatives to
enhance organizational visibility and profile.
Event Management
- Oversee the planning and execution of extensive annual calendar of events
Human Resources Management
- Develop/maintain an effective organizational structure to ensure optimum resource allocation
- Be responsible for the recruitment, employment, professional development and support/supervision of multi-disciplinary staff and volunteer teams
- Ensure that all job descriptions are current and that staff receive an annual performance appraisal
- Ensure compliance to standards in accordance with employment legislation, regulations and guidelines pertinent to the organization’s role as an employer and a non-profit organization
- Maintain an organizational climate which attracts keeps, and motivates a diverse staff to achieve their full potential
Qualifications & Requirements:
- A university degree in Social Sciences, Business or other related discipline, or experience
- A minimum of 5 years’ experience within the not-for profit/social services sector in a leadership position
- Strong leadership skills with the ability to effectively motivate internal and external teams towards outstanding outcomes via a collaborative and participative approach
- Exceptional fundraising skills with a proven record of success in enhancing and diversifying the revenue stream of a non-profit organization
- Excellent human resource management experience within a team-based environment and substantial experience supervising staff
- Strong business acumen including strategic planning, financial management and in seeking new and innovative funding opportunities through new grants and proposals
- Highly skilled in program planning and project management with demonstrated results in business planning, budgeting and resource allocation
- In-depth knowledge of the issues, legislation and regulations affecting program delivery for a diverse range of client demographics
- Strong analytical thinking, planning, prioritization and execution skills
- Strong knowledge of marketing, public relations, social media and other communication tools with the ability to engage a wide range of audiences
- A demonstrated ability to manage key constituent and stakeholder relationships including community partners, funders and other government agencies
- Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills, ability to interact and build relationships with staff, Board members, clients, community partners and funders
- Be non-judgmental, caring, compassionate and patient
- Clean Vulnerable Sector and Criminal Reference Check
- Valid driver’s license and access to a vehicle
- Must be willing to work evenings and weekends as required for business meetings, agency and other events.